In text |
Only displayed for text in the envelope.The text of the field that contains the spelling mistake. |
Replace |
The word that is unfamiliar to FirstClass. |
With |
The word you want to use in place of the unfamiliar word. You can accept the word shown, type another word, or choose a word from "Suggestions". |
Suggestions |
A list of possible replacements for the unfamiliar word. To choose one of these replacements, click it. The chosen word is displayed at "With". |
Add Word button |
Adds the unfamiliar word to the spell checker dictionary. |
Skip button |
Leaves this occurrence of the word as is. |
Replace button |
Replaces this occurrence of the word with the word in the "With" field. |
Skip All button |
Leaves all occurrences of the word as they are. |
Replace All button |
Replaces all occurrences of the word with the word in the "With" field. |
Send Now button |
Only displayed if your preferences tell FirstClass to spell check messages automatically when you send them.Stops spell checking and sends the message immediately. |
Options |
Ignore quoted text |
Doesn't spell check text that is in quoted style. |
Ignore URLs |
Doesn't spell check text that is part of a URL. This text commonly contains @ or ://. |
Split compound words |
Use only for checking languages, such as German, that contain many compound words.Checks each part of a compound word separately. |
Enable suggestions |
Lists suggested alternatives for unfamiliar words. Spell checking runs faster without this selected. |
Ignore words with numbers |
Doesn't spell check words that contain numbers (such as 3D). |
Ignore words in UPPERCASE |
Doesn't spell check words that are all capitals (such as CD). |
Split contracted words |
Use only for checking languages such as French (words like "l'arbre").Checks each part of a contracted word separately. |
Language |
Specifies the language in which content will be spell checked. Languages are named with their ISO codes, so, for example, sv means Swedish. |
Save Options button |
Updates your preferences based on these options. Your changes are used for the rest of this spell check and for all future spell checks. NoteAlthough the spell checking language isn't shown in your preferences, it is still saved for future use. |