This form is used by the FirstClass Communities Custodian to find, create and edit users and find and edit communities (Users and Community sections).
If you are accessing this form from the Power Custodian account, you can use the additional sections on this form.
Use this section to search for users and edit user information.
New User
Edit User
Opens the Custodian User Information form for the selected user.
Pattern |
Used just like standard search forms. Enter the useryou want to find. NoteThis form multimatches, so you can enter a partial name and all users who start with those letters will appear.
Search field |
Indicates the field(s) you want to match (Name or UserID). |
Search button |
Starts the search based on chosen criteria. If no information is specified, all users are displayed. |
Stop button |
Stops the search. |
Show |
Lets you select the types of objects you want to list (regular users or remote users). |
Last logged in |
Show the last time each user logged in when showing results. |
Results |
Displays the results of the search. Click a desired record to select it. A push pin will appear beside the record and it will stay in the search results until you click it again to remove the push pin. This is useful for performing multiple searches and keeping the records in the list from the previous search. |
Use this section to find communities and edit community information.
Edit Community
Opens the Custodian Community Information form for the selected community.
Pattern |
Used just like standard search forms. Enter the community or group you want to find. NoteThis form multimatches, so you can enter a partial name and all communities/groups who start with those letters will appear.
Search button |
Starts the search based on chosen criteria. If no information is specified, all communities are displayed. |
Stop button |
Stops the search. |
Show |
Lets you select the types of communities you want to list (Public, Public (Read Only), Private, Secret). |
Results |
Displays the results of the search. Click a desired record to select it. A push pin will appear beside the record and it will stay in the search results until you click it again to remove the push pin. This is useful for performing multiple searches and keeping the records in the list from the previous search. |
Use this section to view system information and set system messages.
FCS Version |
FirstClass version. System generated. |
FCIS Version |
Internet Services version. System generated. |
FCAS Version |
Application Services version. System generated. |
MIME Types Version |
MIME Types vesion. System generated. |
HeaderMatch Version |
HeaderMatch version. System generated. |
OTSW Template Version |
Template version for FirstClass Communities. System generated. |
Domain Names |
Shows list of domain names assigned to FirstClass Communities. |
Set Default Domain |
Makes the current domain name the default domain. |
Refresh Domain List |
Refreshes the list of domains in case changes were made through the Multiple Sites & Languages form. |
Invitation message tab
Please provide an invitation message |
Enter the message you want users to see when they receive an invitation to join FirstClass Communities. Field tag placeholders are supported. |
Send Test Message |
Sends a test message to the Custodian Mailbox so you can see what it will look like. |
Edit |
Makes the message field editable. |
Save |
Saves the message. |
Cancel |
Cancels changes. |
Clear Message |
Clears the invitation message field. |
Password Reset message tab
Please provide a Password Reset message |
Enter the message you want users to see when they receive a notification that their FirstClass Communities password has been reset. |
Send Test Message |
Sends a test message to the Custodian Mailbox so you can see what it will look like. |
Edit |
Makes the message field editable. |
Save |
Saves the message. |
Cancel |
Cancels changes. |
Clear Message |
Clears the password reset message field. |
Community Invitation message tab
Please provide a Community invitation message |
Enter the message you want users to see when they receive an invitation to join a community. Field tag placeholders are supported. |
Edit |
Makes the message field editable. |
Save |
Saves the message. |
Cancel |
Cancels changes. |
Clear Message |
Clears the invitation message field. |
Add Groups
Use this section to assign users to user groups.
Adds the selected user to the current user group.
Removes the current user from the selected user group.
User Search section
Search type |
Select whether to search by user ID or user name. |
Search field |
Enter the search criteria as you would for any other search. |
Search button |
Performs a search based on the specified criteria. Shows all users if search criteria is blank. |
Search results |
Displays the results of the search. You can mark users you wish to keep displayed by clicking on them. A pushpin will appear beside the user(s) you select. This way you can perform another search and they won't disappear. Click them again to remove the pushpin. |
Clear Pin |
Removes existing pins. |
Clear List |
Clears the search results. |
User Information section |
User ID |
The user ID of the selected user. |
First name |
The first name of the selected user. |
Initials |
The initials of the selected user. |
Last name |
The last name of the selected user. |
LDAP-controlled user |
If checked, these fields are not editable because they are controlled by another application. |
Profile picture |
Shows the profile picture stored for the selected user. |
User groups |
Shows the user groups to which this user belongs. You can mark groups you wish to remove by clicking them (a push pin appears beside them) and then clicking Delete. |
Group Search section |
Search field |
Enter the search criteria as you would for any other search. |
Search button |
Performs a search based on the specified criteria. Shows all user groups if search criteria is blank. |
Search results |
Displays the results of the search. You can mark user groups you wish to keep displayed by clicking on them. A pushpin will appear beside the user group(s) you select. This way you can perform another search and they won't disappear. Click them again to remove the pushpin. |
Clear Pin |
Removes existing pins. |
Clear List |
Clears the search results. |
Model Desktop
Use this section to add communities to a user group's Model Desktop.
Model It
Adds the selected community to the Model Desktop of the selected user group.
Groups Search section |
Search field |
Enter the search criteria as you would for any other search. |
Search button |
Performs a search based on the specified criteria. Shows all user groups if search criteria is blank. |
Search results |
Displays the results of the search. You can mark user groupss you wish to keep displayed by clicking on them. A pushpin will appear beside the user group(s) you select. This way you can perform another search and they won't disappear. Click them again to remove the pushpin. |
Clear Pin |
Removes existing pins. |
Clear List |
Clears the search results. |
Model Desktop Items |
Group Name |
The name of the selected user group. |
Desktop Items |
The items that are currently on the Model Desktop for the selected user group. |
Community Info |
Community icon |
The icon associated with the selected community. |
Community |
The name of the community. |
Owned by |
The owner of the community. |
Community type |
The type of community. |
Email address |
The email address of the selected community. |
Community Search section |
Search field |
Enter the search criteria as you would for any other search. |
Search button |
Performs a search based on the specified criteria. Shows all communities if search criteria is blank. |
Community type |
Select which types of communities to show. |
Search results |
Displays the results of the search. You can mark communities you wish to keep displayed by clicking on them. A pushpin will appear beside the community/communities you select. This way you can perform another search and they won't disappear. Click them again to remove the pushpin. |
Add Users
Use this section to create multiple users at once.
Clears the records area.
Checks whether entries meet the following criteria:
• the user ID is unique
• the email address is formatted properly
• the Department Group exists.
Adds a blank record to the list.
Deletes any records from the list that have a checkbox checked.
File upload area |
File Name |
The name of the uploaded file. System generated. |
File Size |
The size of the uploaded file. System generated. |
Drag and drop user file here |
Drag a .csv file from your computer system to this area. |
Create |
Creates the accounts for users listed in the records area. |
Records area |
First Name |
The first name of the user to be added. |
Initial |
The initials of the user to be added. |
Last Name |
The last name of the user to be added. |
UserID |
The user ID of the user to be added. |
Email Address |
The email address of the user to be added. |
Group |
The Group to assign to the user. If it does not exist, it will be created. |
Invitation |
Select to send an invitation to join FirstClass Communities to every user upon account creation. |
Select |
Check this box for each record you wish to delete, and then click Delete. |
Validation |
A red dot will appear beside any records that don't meet validation requirements, and the field(s) that need(s) attention will be red. |
Add Community
Use this section to create multiple communities at once.
Clears the records area.
Checks whether entries meet the following criteria:
• the user ID of the community owner exists.
• the community does not exist.
Adds a blank record to the list.
Deletes the current record from the list.
File upload area |
File Name |
The name of the uploaded file. System generated. |
File Size |
The size of the uploaded file. System generated. |
Drag and drop community file here |
Drag a .csv file from your computer system to this area. |
Create |
Creates the communities listed in the records area. |
Records area |
First/Last Name |
The first and last name of the community owner. This person must already exist on the system. |
UserID |
The user ID of the community owner. |
Community Name |
The name of the community to be added. |
Type |
The type of community to be added (Private, Public, Public (Read Only), Secret). |
About |
An description of the community to be added. |
IconID |
The icon associated with the community to be added. The chosen icon will display beside the IconID field. |
Background |
The background image to be used for this community. |
Validation |
A red dot will appear beside any records that don't meet validation requirements, and the field(s) that need(s) attention will be red unless they are blank. |