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User groups and Model Desktops

Only a Power Custodian or administrator can work with user groups and Model Desktops.

About user groups
User groups give you a way to assign privileges, layouts and views to groups of users at once instead of having to configure each user uniquely. This allows greater control over your OpenText Social Workplace system and makes global changes easy for your administrator.
There are four types of groups:
•       Standard Groups
•       Configuration Groups
•       Department Groups
•       Domain Name Groups.
These sets of groups already have groups created. In addition, your administrator may have set up additional groups.
Several standard user groups and configuration groups are shipped with FirstClass Communities, and users are automatically added to these groups as required.
Standard user groups

All Users
Everyone who logs into your system is a member of the All Users group. The All users group will never be listed on the Groups tab of a user’s User Information form since all users belong to this group.
Regular Users
This group is made up of all users defined as Regular in the Class field of the User Information form. By default, all regular users will have Regular Users listed first in the list of groups to which they belong. Never delete this entry. Enter all other groups below this entry.
Remote Users
This group is made up of all users defined as Remote in the Class field of the User Information form. By default, all remote users will have Remote Users listed first in the list of groups to which they belong. Never delete this entry. Enter all other groups below this entry.
Peer Registered Users
This group contains users who were invited by other users to a particular community. Anyone invited through FirstClass Communities is added to this group. You will only see this if the FirstClass Communities templates are installed.
All Blogs
This group contains all blogs created on your system.
All Communities
This group contains containers created through FirstClass Communities.
All Profiles
This group contains profiles created through FirstClass Communities.
Private Community
This group contains all private communities created on your system.
Public Community
This group contains all public communities created on your system.
Public (Read Only) Community
This group contains all public read only communities created on your system.
Secret Community
This group contains all secret communities created on your system.
Pending Invite
This group contains all users who have been invited to join a community but who have not yet accepted.
Suspended Users
This group contains all FirstClass Communities users whose accounts have been suspended.
This group is a placeholder for the name "Owner" and should not be used for any other purpose. "Owner" may be entered into any permissions form (Group, Container) for any type of permissioned container. The server will recognize this and test against the owner of the container.
Configuration Groups
Configuration groups are simply groups that define the use some users make of your FirstClass Communities system (such as Time zone group or Voice users), but it does not define their roles within the organization.
Department Groups
Department groups are used to organize people on your system into their functional areas.
Domain Name groups
These groups are based on a specific domain name, such as Whenever a FirstClass Communities user is invited and they are a member of that domain, they will automatically be added to that group and receive the associated model Desktop, privileges, and so on.

Assigning users to user groups
To assign a user to an existing user group:
1       Open the Custodian Directory Search form and click Add Groups.
2       In the left column, select the search type (by userID or user name), enter the Search criteria, and click Search.
3       Select the user(s) you wish to add to a group in the User Search column. Use the push pin to select multiple users. If you highlight a specific user, their information will appear in the middle area of the form.
4       In the right column, enter the search criteria of the user group you are looking for and click Search.
5       Select the user group(s) you wish to assign to this/these user(s).
6       Click Add.

Removing users from user groups
To remove a user from a user group:
1       Open the Custodian Directory Search form and click Add Groups.
2       In the left column, select the search type (by userID or user name), enter the Search criteria, and click Search.
3       Select the user you wish to modify in the User Search column. Their information will appear in the middle area of the form.
4       Click the user group you wish to remove in the list of user groups assigned to this user.
A pushpin will appear beside that user group.
5       Click Delete.

About Model Desktops
Each user group has a model Desktop. This contains all of the communities associated with that group.
When you add a new user to a user group, you automatically place all the objects found on the group model Desktop onto the user’s home page. When you delete a user from a user group, you delete the objects found on the group model Desktop from the user’s home page. Similarly, when you add an object to the group model Desktop, you add it to the home pages of all members of the group. When you delete an object from the group model Desktop, you delete it from the home pages of all group members.

Adding communities to a user group's Model Desktop
To add a community to a user group's Model Desktop:
1       Click Model Desktop.
2       In the Groups Search area, click Search to display all groups, or enter search criteria in the search field and click Search.
3       Select the user group(s) you want to work with. If you want to work with more than one group, select them to place a push pin beside each group.
If you highlight a group, you will see the information for that user group in the top center of the screen and have the option to change the name.
81203_40013_50.png        Warning
Do not change the name of any standard groups. If you accidentally do this, inform your administrator right away.
4       In the Community Search area, click the Search icon to display all communities, or enter search criteria in the search field and click the Search icon.
5       Select the community to add to the user groups' Model Desktop(s).
You will see the information for that community in the bottom center of the screen.
6       When you have decided which community to add, select it and click Model It! Repeat for each community you wish to add to the current user group.