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Profile/My Shared Documents  
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Where am I?

This is your Profile folder. It stores your personal information in a profile form called FCXResume. If you also use FirstClass for web browsers, you'll also see read-only versions of your blog entries here.
If your organization used FirstClass prior to version 12.0, this folder is called My Shared Documents, and can also be used as a place to store objects that you want others to be able to view using the classic client.

What can I do here?

Update your profile
To update your profile, open FCXResume. Don't rename this.
You can also update this information using FirstClass for web browsers.
Create content for others to see
To create content for My Shared Documents:
       drag FirstClass folders, documents, and messages into this folder
       store links to containers by pressing Shift while you drag the containers into this folder
       upload files to this folder
       create documents directly in this folder by choosing New Document from the New button dropdown arrow.
View others' shared documents
To view another user's My Shared Documents folder, select them in the Directory, then click Shared Documents.

Is there more?

For more information about profiles, click here. For more information about documents, click here. You can also choose Help > Contents at any time, and open Client Help.