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Where am I?

This is a podcast that FirstClass publishes as part of your website. A podcast is a collection of audio or video tracks or clips (episodes).

What can I do here?

See what your podcast looks like on the web
To see your podcast on the web, click View in Browser.
Change the appearance of your podcast
To change the appearance of your podcast:
7242006_44557_5.png        Click Appearance.
7242006_44627_6.png        Select the template you want your podcast to use.
To see your choice, click View in Browser.
Provide information for the iTunes Music Store
FirstClass podcasts support RSS, so that they can be served to the iTunes Music Store. To provide more information for the iTunes Music Store:
7242006_44557_5.png        Click Edit Podcast Details.
7242006_44627_6.png        Update the Podcast Details form.
Create podcast episodes
To create a podcast episode:
7242006_44557_5.png        Click New Episode.
7242006_44627_6.png        Drag the audio or video file to the Podcast Episode form.
If your computer has a microphone, you can record directly by clicking Record Episode.
7242006_44650_7.png        Update the fields on the Podcast Episode form to identify the episode.
To check your episode on the web, click View in Browser.

Is there more?

For more information about web publishing, click here. You can also choose Help > Contents at any time, and open Client Help.