This is your FirstClass Mailbox. It stores messages that you have received, as well as copies of message you have sent, or have created but not yet sent. Normally, you view your Mailbox in list view, which shows information about each message in columns.
Work with unread messages
Unread messages have red flags beside them. Your Mailbox is also flagged on your Desktop if it contains unread mail, and the number of unread messages is displayed. To open an unread message, double-click it. If you have the reading pane open, clicking the message will open it in the reading pane.
Sort and group messages
To sort your messages by a particular column, click the column heading. To reverse sort order, click the column heading again.
Messages with the same subject, that were sent in reply to other messages, are shown as a thread. Each reply in the thread is numbered.
If you group your Mailbox by subject, all older messsages in a thread are grouped under the most recent one. To group by subject, or any other column in list view, Control-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) the column heading.
Create messages
To create a message in your Mailbox:
Click New.
Provide a subject and type the recipient's FirstClass user name or Internet address at "To".
If you are addressing your message to someone who is on your FirstClass server, you can type a partial name and FirstClass will either complete it or give you a list of matches from which to choose.
Type your message in the body, below the envelope.
Click Send.
A copy of the message is kept in your Mailbox.
Reply to messages
To reply to an open or selected message, choose Message > Reply. In an open message, you can select part of the message first, to be quoted in your reply.
Forward messages
To forward a selected or open message, choose Message > Forward and address the message. You can also add to the message body.
Attach files to messages
You can attach a file to a message by dragging it to the message envelope. The recipient can save the file to their computer by dragging it off the message.
This is only a taste of what you can do with mail. Our online help contains full details about this and more.
For more information about mail, click here. You can also choose Help > Contents at any time, and open Client Help.